बुधवार, 8 जनवरी 2014

दीर्घावधि तक (कमसे कम साल भर भी ज्यादा अवधि तक ) माँ के द्वारा शिशु को स्तनपान करवाते रहना स्वयं माँ के लिए आगे चलकर र्यूमेटाइड आर्थ्राइटिस के खतरे के वजन को कम कर देता है।

सेहतनामा /आरोग्य समाचार 


Elderly people with high serum vitamin E levels are less likely to suffer from memory disorders than their peers with lower levels ,researchers have found .The study was published in the Journal Experimental Gerontology.

Study: Vitamin E May Help Memory

A new Finnish study discovers that elderly people with high serum vitamin E levels are less likely to suffer from memory disorders than their peers with lower levels.

As published in  the journal Experimental Gerontology, researchers found that various forms of vitamin E seem to play a role in memory processes.

Traditionally, studies investigating the link between vitamin E and memory disorders have usually focused on a single form of vitamin E, namely α-tocopherol, which is also used in vitamin E supplements.

However, vitamin E exists in eight different natural forms, tocopherolsand tocotrienols, all of which have antioxidant properties.

In the new longitudinal study, researchers followed a sample of 140 over 65-year-old Finnish persons with no memory impairment at the onset of the study over an eight-year period.
During the course of the investigation, researchers discovered that higher total serum levels of vitamin E, and higher levels of γ-tocopherol, β-tocotrienol and total tocotrienols in particular, seemed to protect against memory disorders.

According to the investigators, the results show that the entire vitamin E family plays a role in memory processes.

Accordingly, measuring the levels of vitamin E from serum is the most reliable way to determine whether they are sufficiently high.

The study comprised part of the more extensive Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Dementia (CAIDE) study, which focuses on the association between the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and memory disorders. The study was carried out in cooperation between the University of Eastern Finland, the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, Karolinska Institutet, and the University of Perugia.

Study: Vitamin E May Help Memory
PsychCentral.com-11 hours ago

(२ )यदि किसी धारदार चीज़ से चमड़ी कट फट गई है  ,जख्म पे थोड़ा सा

 हल्दी पाउडर लगा लें। खून का रिसाव बंद हो जाएगा। 

जो लोग नियमित ग्रीन टी का सेवन करते हैं उनमें दिल की बीमारी और 

कैंसर कम होते देखा गया है। 

(३ ) मानसिक आरोग्य के लिए कंक्रीट बनते नगरों -महानगरों में मौज़ूद हरीतिमा -पार्कों बागीचों में जब भी मौक़ा मिले सैर को निकलिये। एक एक अभिनव ब्रितानी अध्ययन से पता चला है हरीतिमा का धनात्मक असर तीन बरसों तक मौज़ूद रहता है।  

(४ ) दीर्घावधि तक (कमसे कम साल भर भी ज्यादा अवधि तक ) माँ के द्वारा शिशु को स्तनपान करवाते रहना स्वयं  माँ के लिए आगे चलकर र्यूमेटाइड आर्थ्राइटिस के खतरे के वजन को कम कर देता है।साइंसदानों ने ये निष्कर्ष ७००० उम्र  दराज़ चीनी महिलाओं पर किये गए अध्ययन के फलस्वरूप निकाले हैं। अध्ययन से साफ़ पता चला स्तन पान करवाते रहने वाली महिलाओं के लिए जोड़ों के  अपविकासी रोग रह्युमेटिक आर्थराइटिस का ख़तरा घटकर आधा (पचास फीसद )ही रह जाता बरक्स  उन महिलाओं के जिन्होनें अपने शिशुओं को स्तनपान करवाया ही नहीं  था।

(५ )अपने उत्तमांग /उत्तमाङ्गी से  बस बीस मिनिट रोज़ बतियाइए ,जीवन में खुशहाली आयेगी। 

(६ )चुम्बन चेहरे की पेशियों के लिए बढ़िया व्यायाम है। पुष्ट करता है अपनों का (प्रियतमा /प्रीतम का )चुम्बन चेहरे की पेशियों को।   

(७ ) Protein tied to cancer spread found :

Scientists have identified a protein  behind breast cancer spread to the brain which can prove to be a 'promising 'new target to fight the disease .Brain metastasis is a terrifying complication of advanced breast cancer ,with a grim prognosis and few treatment options .The cancer's spread to the brain is often undetected until patients start to develop symptoms such as seizures ,headaches ,and trouble thinking .

(८ ) Cannabis like drug to beat arthritis pain 

Scientists have developed an artificial cannabis -like molecule that could reduce pain and joint inflammation in osteoarthritis  .Researchers from the University of Nottingham developed the synthetic compound which inhibits a pain -sensing pathway in the spinal chord known as the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2).

Although cannabis can effectively relieve pain ,its medicinal use is limited .The compound ,called JWH133 is synthetic but is designed to target CB2 in a similar way to the drug  .Levels of the CB2 receptor in the spinal chord have shown to be linked to the severity of pain among osteoarthritis sufferers.

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