शनिवार, 19 सितंबर 2020

भौतिक चिकित्सा की माहिर डॉ.प्रिया गुप्ता (फिजियोथेरपिस्ट ):इन दिनों ये नन्ही शख्सियत अपनी समर्पित सेवायें अपना सौ फीसद सेवा अंश प्राइम हॉस्पिटल एन्ड ऑर्थो सेंटर को दे रहीं हैं। इन्हें संध्या साढ़े चार से साढ़े आठ नौ बजे तक वहां सेवारत देखा जा सकता है।

Virendra Kumar Sharma veerubhai1947@gmail.com

9:43 AM (4 hours ago)
to sharadgoelptveerbhai1947nishantNoopur
 भौतिक चिकित्सा की माहिर डॉ.प्रिया गुप्ता (फिजियोथेरपिस्ट ):इन दिनों ये नन्ही शख्सियत अपनी समर्पित सेवायें अपना सौ फीसद सेवा अंश प्राइम हॉस्पिटल एन्ड ऑर्थो सेंटर को दे रहीं हैं। इन्हें संध्या साढ़े चार से साढ़े आठ नौ बजे तक वहां सेवारत देखा जा सकता है। आप एक कूल सेटिल्ड शख्सियत की मालिक हैं ,शृद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम् (श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता ).ज्ञान अर्जन में आप मुब्तिला हैं। मुझे आप से सेवा हासिल होने का  सौभाग्य प्राप्त है।आप दिन दूनी  रात चौगुनी तरक्की करें यूं ही निस्पृह भाव लिए ,निष्कामता संग। 
she is a devoted workaholic and giving hundred p.c services .Without doubt physiotherapy shall fall in the ambit  of Servise Sector .
I wish this rising star of physiotherapy a cometry status .
नेहा एवं आदर से वीरू भाई 
(भौतिक विज्ञानों के लोकप्रियकरण की मुहीम में शरीक ..विज्ञान संचारक )   
This buddying physio  introduces herself thus -

Been in this service from the start of my studies (Bachelor of Physiotherapy )that has been about 4-5 years in the field be it studies or practice .
As a health care professional and a young physio i just hope and wish for the betterment of human health and new developments to ensure that it is possible .
Did my B.P.T from Amity Institute of Physiotherapy (Noida ).
She is as simple and spontaneous person as her profile and is very respectful towards her patients and is a good service provider par excellence .
With a clear vision she weaves her future.I wish her success and bless him from the core of my heart and pray krishna to help this little Narayani for her vertical growth.

Hare Krishna ! 

गुरुवार, 17 सितंबर 2020

कंगना एक राष्ट्रीय (भारतधर्मी सामाजिक )विरोध का प्रतीक बन चुकीं हैं


कंगना एक राष्ट्रीय (भारतधर्मी सामाजिक )विरोध का प्रतीक बन चुकीं हैं। भारतधर्मी समाज के साँसों की धौंकनी बन चुकी कंगना -कंगना खनका - खनकाकर 'सोनिया -सेना' को चेता रही हैं बाज़ आओ अपनी हरकतों से वरना :

होश के लम्हे नशे की कैफियत समझे गए हैं ,
फ़िक्र के पंछी ज़मीं के मातहत समझे गए हैं। 

नाम था अपना पता भी दर्द भी इज़हार भी ,
(पर )हम हमेशा दूसरों की मार्फ़त समझे गए हैं।

(और )वक्त की दीवार पर पैगम्बरों के लफ्ज़ भी 
(तो )बे ख्याली में  घसीटे दस्तखत समझे गए हैं। 

'सामना' में एक विषदंत आ बैठा है।लंका में सारे बावन गज के हैं।  शिव सेना आज  न अपने नाम के अनुरूप है न गुणधर्म के न 'शिव' है न 'सेना' के अनुरूप उसके काम काज का तरीका रह गया है। न सौम्य है न कल्याणकारी है न राज्य की हिफाज़त में सक्षम है न उसके नागरिकों को सम्मानपूर्वक जीने की गारंटी दे पा रही है। इसका नोटिस मान्य कोर्ट ने भी लिया है जो जानती है वृहण मुंबई नगरपालिका  की डोरी कौन खींचे है।

स्वप्ननगरी मुंबई एक आलमी महानगर रहा है जहां आप रात के दो बजे भी टेक्सी के प्रति निश्चिन्त रह सकते हैं टेक्सी मिलेगी ही मिलेगी बकाया भी पूरा सौ फीसद .यहां जेबकतरे नहीं हैं स्वाभिमानी लोग हैं। यहां कोई फुटपाथ पे भूखों नहीं सोता। 

शिवसैनिक सोनिया के इशारे पर इस महानगरी के विराट स्वरूप को नौंच रहें हैं। 

"शिवसेना की जागीर न बनने पाए मुंबई -परमादरणीय लिखाड़ी  ए. सूर्य प्रकाश जी का लेख इन तमाम मुद्दों के साथ आगाह करता है यह महानगरी अपना परम्परागत स्वरूप बनाये रहे इसके लिए लाज़मी है इसे अविलम्ब यूनियन टेरिटरी बनाया जाए। यह भारत धर्मी समाज की आवाज़ है जिसे अब और नहीं दबाया जा सकता। जिस मुंबई में एक राष्ट्रीय पुरूस्कार प्राप्त बेहतरीन कला -नेत्री के साथ गुंडा वेषधारी विषदंत सैनिक बदसुलूकी करें उसकी अनुपस्थिति में उसका बसेरा भूग्रस्त कर दें वह खुला खेल फरुख्खाबादी खेल रही है सोनिया जी जो मातोश्री का दर्ज़ा प्राप्त करती दिखीं हैं यही कर करवा रहीं हैं।  

नींद हराम हम इनकी भी कर देंगे। 
देखना है जोश कितना बाजुए कातिल में है. ........ 

वीरेंद्र शर्मा ,८७० /३१ ,भूतल ,निकटस्थ एफएम स्कूल सेक्टर ३१ ,फरीदाबाद -१२१ ००३ 
८५ ८८ ९८ ७१ ५०  

मंगलवार, 8 सितंबर 2020

हर बरस संस्था एक थीम देती है इस बरस का विचार है :फिट फॉर लाइफ बोले तो जीवन भर की तंदरुस्ती के लिए

The message this year for World Physical Therapy Day is “Fit for life”. This theme embraces the important role physical therapists have in promoting activity and health among every section of the population at every stage of their life.

हर  बरस संस्था एक थीम देती है इस बरस का विचार है :फिट फॉर लाइफ बोले तो जीवन भर की तंदरुस्ती के लिए 
यही से ज़ाहिर हो जाता है भौतिक चिकित्सक का महत्व समा को भौतिक रू से चुस्त दुरुस्त सक्रिय बनाये रखने का एहम रोल। 

क्या कहते हैं डॉ. भौतिक चिकित्सा के माहिर फिजियोथेरपिस्ट शरद गोयलजी :

Wishing all My Colleagues, Friends, Well wisher a Happy Physiotherapy Day. Become a Fitter, Faster and Healthier Version of Yourself. Keep learning and Growing. Give 200% of Yourself for giving Best of the Best Management to Your Patients and be very clear and precise in Achieving your Goals
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Sharad Goel (P.T)
M.P.T, M.I.A.P
C.M.T , C.O.C.T, C.D.T,
D.O.M.T.P, P.G.A.P.B.C ,

क्या कहते हैं डॉ. भौतिक चिकित्सा के माहिर फिजियोथेरपिस्ट शरद गोयलजी :

स्वयं का ही चुस्त तंदरूस्तरीन तीव्र गतिवान तंदरुस्त संस्करण बनिए। खुद को खुद से ही तौलिये। तंदरुस्ती के नए प्रतिमान गढ़िए :
निरंतर अनथक सीखते रहिये ,गुणात्मक रूप से अपनी श्री वृद्धि कीजिये मात्रात्मक रूप से तो सभी करते हैं ,जीवन की गुणवत्ता सुधारिये।
साथी भौतिक चिकित्सकों से निवेदन है याचित है :सर्वोत्तम से भी श्रेष्ठ अपना २०० फीसद अपने मरीज़ों को दीजिये। प्रबंधन के नए आयाम रचिये। अपने लक्ष्य को स्पस्ट समक्ष रखिये। सभी को आदर लाड़ प्यार और दुलार।

संस्था का इतिहास ,उद्देश्य :हर बरस आठ सितंबर को मनाया जाता है विश्व भौतिक चिकित्सा दिवस। मकसद जागरूकता पैदा करना है भूमंडलीय स्तर पर कार्यरत फिज़िओथेरपिस्ट द्वारा जनजन में:लोग स्वस्थ रहें आत्मनिर्भर रहें ,किसी बैसाखी की ज़रूर उम्र भर न पड़े।
About World Physical Therapy Day

World Physical Therapy Day is on 8th September every year. The day is an opportunity for physiotherapists from all over the world to raise awareness about the crucial contribution the profession makes to keeping people well, mobile and independent.
१९९६भौतिक चिकित्सा  विश्व संघ ने एक राय से हर बरस आठ सितंबर को विश्व  भौतिक चिकित्सा दिवस के रूप में मनाने की घोषणा की। १९५१  को इसी दिन वर्ल्ड कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ़ फिजिकल थेरेपी का गठन हुआ था। 
In 1996, the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951.
 प्रतीक है यह दिवस  आलमी भौतिक चिकित्सा बिरादरी की एकता -एक -जुटता का। यह मान्यता देना है चिन्हित करना है उस सेवा कर्म को जो सभी भौतिक चिकित्सक अपने मरीज़ों को दे रहे हैं,समुदाय को दे रहे हैं।   
The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise.
इस सेवा व्यवसाय की रूप रेखा को साफ  साफ़ सही दिशा में बल मिल रहा है  इस सालाना आयोजन की मार्फ़त जन और जनार्दन दोनों की नज़र में साख बन रही है सही  दिशा  में हम सभी  बढे हैं।नीति नियंता भी नियोजक भी ,नियोजित भी।  
Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers.
Many WCPT member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8th September.
It is up to individual physiotherapists and WCPT member organisations to decide what activities and materials they wish to develop. That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year WCPT provides ideas, publicity and support materials.

The theme this year is "Fit for life".  This theme embraces the important role physical therapists have in promoting activity and health among every section of the population at every stage of their life. As physical therapists we make a crucial contribution to keeping people well, mobile and independent. The four key messages to underscore this years Fit for Life campaign are:
विधाई योगदान रहा है भौतिक चिकित्सा कर्मियों का  लोगों को  में दैनिक जीवन में सक्रियता बनाये रखने में ,स्व :निर्भर बने रहने में। जीवन भी गतिशील बने रहिये चलते रहिये रुकिए मत।जीवन का पूरा लुत्फ़ उठाते देखे गए हैं ऐसे ही गतिवान लोग ,कार्यकुशल भी मिले हैं। जीवन भर चुस्त द दुरुस्त  रहते हैं ऐसे कर्मठ वेगवान लोग।  
निष्क्रियता बैठे -ठाले ,निठल्ले ही ,हमारा  ठालूपन ही हमारी अक्षमता को पैदा करता है जो आज मृत्यु का एक बड़ा कारण बना हुआ है।निठल्लापन  रुग्ड़ता  की वजह बनता है।खुद और समाज के लिए ख़तरा बनती है हमारी इनैक्टिविटि। दिल और दिमाग के रोग शक्कर की बीमारी डायबिटीज इसी हमारी गतिहीनता बैठे रहने की आदत से पैदा हो रहे हैं।   
  • If you want to keep healthy, keep moving - all through your life.
  • People who stay active are more likely to keep working, engaging with and enjoying life without having to depend on others. They are fit for life.
  • Inactivity contributes to disability and can directly lead to millions of deaths around the world every year. It can can contribute to morbidities such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.
  • You're never too young or too old to stay active and just half an hour of moderate exercise (like walking fast) every day can make a real difference.

What is Physiopediadoing in 2012

Physiopedia is starting both a global running club and a cycling club. The clubs are being implemented to better serve Physiopedia's mission of contributing to global health with an aim to promote physical activity for all. What better day to start than on World Physical Therapy Day! This new Physiopedia campaign is an opportunity for physical therapists and physiotherapists around the world to promote the profession and the role it plays in keeping populations active and healthy at every age.
By joining either our running club or cycling club (or both like Founding Director Rachael Lowe!) on Strava not only can you stay fit for life yourself but you can also use your membership to promote physical activity to your patients.
Strava is social fitness website where people can share, compare and compete with each other's personal fitness data via mobile and online apps. The Physiopedia clubs are open for anyone to join and we're hoping that we can quickly become a super active group of international physiotherapists and physical therapists that are part of the two of the most active clubs on Strava. It's a great way to practice what we preach in promoting physical activity, encourage each other and do it together!

The WPTD Challenges
To mark the inauguration of the Physiopedia Running and Cycling Clubs we have teamed up with our Gold Sponsor and app developer Clinically Relevant Technologies who has kindly donated some give-aways for our inaugural World Physical Therapy Day Physiopedia Running and Cycling Club challenges.  Clinically Relevant Technologies has recently released a new update to their CORE - Clinical ORthopaedic Exam app which "provides accurate descriptions, demonstrative video clips, and statistical references from an exhaustive review of the medical literature for well over 200 musculoskeletal diagnostic tests", and we have 10 of these (iOS, e.g.  Phone, iPad, or iPod touch, only) to give away to the leaders in our challenges.
On September 8th can you run (or walk) or cycle:
  • the furthest
  • to gain the highest elevation
  • to attract the most kudos and comments (in Strava)
There will be three prizes in each category.  In addition to this there will be a special prize awarded for the most impressive feat of physical activity.  This might not be the longest or highest or fittest,  but is for the person who demonstrates the most amazing achievement.  Tell us all about your activity in Strava on World Physical Therapy Day.  Are you up for the challenge!

Get Involved
  1. Sign up for a Strava account
  2. Set up your profile. It's always nice if we can see a picture of you!
  3. Join either the Physiopedia Cycling Club or the Physiopedia Running Club (or both!)
  4. Start recording your daily activities of running (or walking) and cycling. You will need a Strava app on your smartphone or a GPS device to do this, the easiest way is to use the free Strava app on your phone.
  5. On World Physical Therapy Day (Sept 8th) set about one (or more!) of our challenges.  You can be sure that you will not be the only person out and about getting sweaty, know that I will also be out and about recording some kind of physical activity as part of my ACL rehabilitation as well!!
  6. Run and Cycle with Physiopedia to Promote Physical Activity on World Physical Therapy Day! – Physiospot – Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the SpotlightWorld Physical Therapy Day is on 8th September and to contribute to this years “Fit for life” theme Physiopedia is starting both a global running club and a cycling club.  The clubs are being implemented to better serve Physiopedia’s mission of contributing to global health with an aim to promote physical activity for all. What better day to start than on World Physical Therapy Day! The message this year for World Physical Therapy Day is “Fit for life”.  This theme embraces the important role physical therapists have in promoting activity and health among every section of the population at every stage of their
 life.  As physical therapists we make a crucial contribution to keeping people well, mobile and independent.  This new Physiopedia campaign is an opportunity for physical therapists and physiotherapists around the world to promote the profession and the role it plays in keeping populations active and healthy at every age. The four key messages to underscore this year’s Fit for Life campaign are: 
If you want to keep healthy, keep moving – all through your life. People who stay active are more likely to keep working, engaging with and enjoying life without having to depend on others. They are fit for life. 
Inactivity contributes to disability and can directly lead to millions of deaths around the world every year. It can can contribute to morbidities such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and 
cancer. You’re never too young or too old to stay active and just half an hour of moderate exercise (like walking fast) every day can make a real 
difference. By joining either our running club or cycling club (or both like Founding Director Rachael Lowe!) on Strava not only can you stay fit for life yourself but you can also use your membership to promote physical activity to your patients.  Strava is social fitness website where people can share, compare and compete with each other’s personal fitness data via mobile and online apps.  The Physiopedia clubs are open for anyone to join and we’re hoping that we can quickly become a super active group of international physiotherapists and physical therapists that are part of the two of the most active clubs on Strava.  What a great way to practice what we preach in promoting physical activity, encourage each other and do it together! To mark the inauguration of the Physiopedia Running and Cycling Clubs we have teamed up with our Gold Sponsor and app developer Clinically Relevant Technologies who has kindly donated some give-aways for our inaugural World Physical Therapy Day Physiopedia Running and Cycling Club challenges.  Clinically Relevant Technologies has recently released a new update to their CORE – Clinical ORthopaedic Exam app which “provides accurate descriptions, demonstrative video clips, and statistical references from an exhaustive review of the medical literature for well over 200 musculoskeletal diagnostic tests”, and we have 10 of these (iOS, e.g. iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, only) to give away to the leaders in our challenges: On September 8th 2012 can you run (or walk) or cycle: the furthest to gain the highest elevation to attract the most kudos and comments (in Strava) There will be three prizes in each category.  In addition to this there will be a special prize awarded for the most impressive feat of physical activity.  This might not be the longest or highest or fittest,  but is for the person who demonstrates the most amazing achievement.  Tell us all about your activity in Strava on World Physical Therapy Day.  Are you up for the challenge! To join in the fun follow these directions: Sign up for a Strava account Set up your profile. It’s always nice if we can see a picture of you! Join either the Physiopedia Cycling Club or the Physiopedia Running Club (or both!) Start recording your daily activities of running (or walking) and cycling. You will need a Strava app on your smartphone or a GPS device to do this, the easiest way is to use the free Strava app on your phone. On World Physical Therapy Day (Sept 8th) set about one (or more!) of our challenges.  You can be sure that you will not be the only person out and about getting sweaty, know that I will also be out and about recording some kind of physical activity as part of my ACL rehabilitation as well!! Take a look at Strava Sign up for a Strava account for FREE Check out the Physiopedia Running Club Check out the Physiopedia Cycling ClubWorld PT Day is Fast Approaching – Physiospot – Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the SpotlightWorld PT Day is on Sunday the 8th of September, are you ready? World PT day gives us all the opportunity to showcase what our profession is all about – movement is medicine. This years themes is chronic pain, a significant burden on global health and something which we know exercise and activity is key to overcoming. This puts our profession as best placed to help those with living with chronic pain and the 8th of September is our opportunity to showcase this to the world. If you are wondering how you can take part in world PT day but don’t know how or you are worried about holding a grandiose event then have no fear! Something as simple as a tweet is more than enough and often as engaging as an event. Either way the WCPT has a toolkit to help make your contribution meaningful. The toolkit includes banners, posters, social media images, infographics and plety more resources to help you make a difference. Of course Physiopedia has plenty of resources for you to use on the 8th to help educate patients and colleagues alike. Let’s not forget the day also provides an opportunity for us all to make sure we are up to date with the latest evidence for how to best manage chronic pain across our different specialities. It isn’t just about back pain and examples of PPs best pages on chronic pain are linked to at the bottom of this page. Why Does World Physical Therapy Day Matter? In 1996, WCPT designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physical therapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physical therapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise. Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers. Many WCPT member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8th September. It is up to individual physical therapists and WCPT member organisations to decide what activities and materials they wish to develop.  That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year WCPT provides ideas, publicity and support materials.Movement For Life! – Physiospot – Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the SpotlightWorld Physical Therapy Day this year followed the previous years theme of Movement for All and this year was all about getting “Fit for Life”. To mark the event and make out very own contribution to global health Physiopedia started both a global running club and a cycling club.  The clubs were implemented to better serve Physiopedia’s mission of contributing to global health with an aim to promote physical activity for all. What better day to start than on World Physical Therapy Day! This initiative is not just for World Physical Therapy Day but will be an active club throughout the year.  Building on this years foundations we hope to gather an active community of physiotherapists and physical therapists keen to promote physical activity for all.  By joining either our running club or cycling club on Stravanot only can you stay fit for life yourself but you can also use your membership to promote physical activity to your patients.  Strava is social fitness website where people can share, compare and compete with each other’s personal fitness data via mobile and online apps.  The Physiopedia clubs are open for anyone to join and we’re hoping that we can quickly become a super active group of international physiotherapists and physical therapists that are part of the two of the most active clubs on Strava.  What a great way to practice what we preach in promoting physical activity, encourage each other and do it together! To join in the fun follow these directions: Sign up for a Strava account Set up your profile. It’s always nice if we can see a picture of you! Join either the Physiopedia Cycling Club or the Physiopedia Running Club (or both!) Start recording your daily activities of running (or walking) and cycling. You will need a Strava app on your smartphone or a GPS device to do this, the easiest way is to use the free Strava app on your phone. On World Physical Therapy Day (Sept 8th) next year in 2013 we will repet the  activity challenges set this year and hope to make a big contribution to promoting physical activity. Take a look at Strava Sign up for a Strava account for FREE Check out the Physiopedia Running Club Check out the Physiopedia Cycling Club  This Coming Sunday is World PT Day – Physiospot – Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the SpotlightWorld PT Day is on Sunday the 8th of September, are you ready? People can experience pain as an acute or chronic condition. Acute pain is often the easier of the two to manage and often settles on its own and is helped along by simple analgesia such as paracetamol or a short course of weak opiates and adjuncts. Chronic pain however is more complex and often includes physical, social and psychological factors which intertwine to form a web which can be difficult to untangle and unfortunately is often too difficult to cure entirely. This Sunday gives our profession the chance to showcase what we can do to help our patients overcome the burden of chronic pain. The key themes to share on Sunday are commonly used messages Physiotherapists use on a daily basis no matter where you are around the world. To take back control from chronic pain it is essential we help our patients improve cardiovascular health, build muscle tone and increase self-efficacy to take part in exercise and reduce fear of movement. On the 8th we will showcase the resources Physiopedia has to help you learn and understand chronic pain and get your patients on the road to recovery. Why Does World Physical Therapy Day Matter? In 1996, WCPT designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physical therapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physical therapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise. Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers. Many WCPT member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8th September. It is up to individual physical therapists and WCPT member organisations to decide what activities and materials they wish to develop.  That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year WCPT provides ideas, publicity and support materials.World Physical Therapy Day 2019 Theme Announced – Physiospot – Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the SpotlightThe 8th of September every year signifies World Physical Therapy Day and offers an opportunity for our profession to raise awareness about the crucial contribution our profession makes in keeping people well and independent. This year the theme for the day is chronic pain, a significant burden on global health with low back pain causing more disability than any other condition. Our profession is best placed to help those with living with chronic pain and the 8th of September is our opportunity to showcase this to the world. The WCPT has a toolkit to help us do this. The toolkit includes banners, posters, social media images, infographics and plety more resources to help you make a difference. Of course Physiopedia has plenty of resources for you to use on the 8th to help educate patients and colleagues alike. Let’s not forget the day also provides an opportunity for us all to make sure we are up to date with the latest evidence for how to best manage chronic pain across our different specialities. It isn’t just about back pain and examples of PPs best pages on chronic pain are linked to at the bottom of this page. Why Does World Physical Therapy Day Matter? In 1996, WCPT designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physical therapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physical therapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise. Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers. Many WCPT member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8th September. It is up to individual physical therapists and WCPT member organisations to decide what activities and materials they wish to develop.  That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year WCPT provides ideas, publicity and support materials.


गुरुवार, 3 सितंबर 2020

Rosary have invariably 108 beads and no more (HINDI ALSO )


White Name of Allah Islamic 99 Prayer Beads Muslim Rosary Tasbih Misbaha

अल्लाह के ९९ नाम है ,तसबीह में सौंवा 'मनका' स्वयं अल्लाह यानी गिनती का पूरक है। हर 'मनके' पर अल्लाह या मुहम्मद अंकित होता है ,सौंवां मनका सफ़ेद भी हो सकता है ,शेष श्याम (काले ). सिमरन सार्वदेशिक सार्वकालिक सार्वधार्मिक कर्म है। 


माला के १०८ मानकों का रहस्य 

माला के १०८ मनके धार्मिक रूप से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण माने जाते है। जप ,बिना माला के भी किया जा सकता है ,लेकिन माला से जप करने का अलग ही महत्व है। सवाल यह है कि मनके १०८ ही क्यों होते हैं कम या ज्यादा क्यों नहीं ?इसके वैज्ञानिक और धार्मिक दोनों ही कारण हैं। माना जाता है ,निर्दिष्ट  संख्या से कम या अधिक होने पर जप निष्फल हो जाता है। 

ऋषि अंगिरा ने व्यवस्था दी है ,बिना कुश के धर्म -अनुष्ठान ,बिना जल स्पर्श के दान और बिना संख्या के जप ,ये सब निष्फल होते है। माला से निश्चित संख्या में जप होते हैं। इससे निश्चित समय तक साधना का नियम भी सधता है। माला के प्रभाव से साधना सुचारु रूप से चलती रहती है। कहा तो यह भी गया है ,माला के कारण अंगूठे और ऊँगली सतत में संघर्ष रहता है जिससे अनूठी विद्यत तरंग उत्पन्न होती है,जो हृदय चक्र को प्रभावित कर मन की एकाग्रता को साधती है। 

भारतीय ज्योतिष  विज्ञान ने पूरे आकाश में २७ नक्षत्रों को मान्यता दी है। प्रत्येक नक्षत्र के चार -चार चरण होते हैं ,इस तरह २७ को चार से गुना करने पर (२७ x ४ )अंक संख्या  आती  है १०८।  

एक माला का हर मनका  नक्षत्र सहित उसके चरण का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। सुमेरु ,माला के आदि और अंत का  निर्धारण करता है। वह विशुद्ध ब्रह्म का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इस तरह  माला के १०८ मनके ब्रह्माण्ड और उसके रचनाकार ब्रह्म के रहस्यों को समाहित किये हुए हैं। 
                 (ज्ञान गंगा )-माला के १०८ मनकों का रहस्य ( अमर उजाला ,३ सितंबर २०२० ,पृष्ठ ९ )

राम नाम सिमरन सिमरनि के बिना मन-मन  में भी हो सकता है सिमरन ही जप है गुरुग्रंथ साहब का सार है :नाम सिमरन 

कलजुग केवन नाम अधारा ,
 सिमर सिमर उतरे भव पारा  . (मानस )

कलयुग कीर्तन ही परधाना ,
गुरमुख जप ले ल्याए ध्याना। (आदि श्री गुरुग्रन्थ साहब )

अंत को पाया यही परनाम ,
राम से बड़ा राम का नाम। 

It’s good to note that you don’t have to be religious to wear or use a mala. It is important though to understand its use and respect its significance. The beads in a traditional mala are rudraksha seeds, produced by several species of large evergreen trees associated with the Hindu deity Shiva. In the yogic tradition the beads are used in japamala practice to recite mantras in meditation (hence the name). A full cycle of 108 repetitions is counted on the mala so the practitioner can focus on the sounds, vibration and meaning of what is being said. A simple and common example of a Sanskrit mantra often chanted at the end of a yoga class would be: om shanti shanti shanti which is a calling out to connect us with inner peace.

The 109th bead that hangs at the bottom of a mala is called either the sumeru, bindu, stupa or guru bead (which often symbolizes the guru from who the student received the mala or mantra, paying homage to the student-guru relationship). It is never counted among the repetitions but used as a marker for as a start and end for a cycle.

So why 108 repetitions? This is a question with hundreds of answers. The number 108 has limitless meanings across various philosophical, scientific and religious beliefs. Some of the most interesting are:

१०८ =१ +० +८ =९ ,नौ पूर्णाक है ,शुभ है। १०८ नौ से विभाज्य है इसलिये आनंद का सूचक है। 

Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, Shiva and Shakti. So, 54 times 2 is 108.
Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.
Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108.
Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108
Harshad number: 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")
River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.
1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.
Now that you know your basic Mala 101 (er, Mala 108?), hopefully you can find the time with your necklace to practice it’s formal use and have a deeper respect and understanding into why they’re worn – especially if you’re wearing one while traveling through countries where they’re traditionally used. The mala necklace, so much more than a new-age fashion statement or proof of your nomadic worldliness.

विशेष :कृपया इसे भी देखें - माला के १०८ मनकों का रहस्य ,अमर उजाला (पृष्ठ ९ ,३ सितंबर २०२० )

जप माला में 108 मनके यूं ही नहीं होते, ये है रहस्य
महात्मा भगवान दीन 
108 मनकों की माला को इसलिए पवित्र मानते हैं:
योग शास्त्रों के अनुसार शरीर में 108 तरह की विशिष्ट ग्रथियां होती हैं
बुद्ध के जन्म के समय 108 ज्योतिषियों के उपस्थित रहने की बात कही जाती है
विभिन्न धर्मों में 27, 54, 108 मनके वाली माला का विधान है ,इस्लाम इसका अपवाद है जहां ९९ मनकों का चलन है सौंवां मनका स्वयं अल्लाह है ,ब्रह्म है। 
एक स्मरण तो होता है चलते फिरते। आप दुनिया के सब काम कर रहे हैं और भगवान को या अपने इष्ट आराध्य को भी याद कर रहे हैं। यह स्मरण सहज है। अर्थात किसी भी समय किया जा सकता है। दूसरा स्मरण अनुष्ठानिक है। उसके लिए समय स्थिति और स्थिरता तीनों जरूरी है। इस विधि में खास समय पर खास स्थिति में खास ढंग से अपने इष्ट को याद करना होता है। इस विधि को उपासना या अनुष्ठान कहते हैं। विधि विधान चाहे जो हों लेकिन सभी धर्मों में परमात्मा को खास समय तक याद करने के लिए माला का उपयोग किया जाता रहा है। सिर्फ समय का ही ध्यान रखना होता है, माला की जगह घड़ी या समय का माप करने वाली कोई दूसरी विधि भी अपनाई जा सकती थी। लेकिन उस स्मरण में माला का उपयोग किया जाता रहा है। उपरी तौर पर लगता है कि यह उपयोग समय का हिसाब रखने के लिए है।
जप माला में 108 मनके यूं ही नहीं होते, ये है रहस्य
लेकिन असल में इसके आध्यात्मिक लाभ हैं। तभी माला फेरने की विधियां भिन्न हैं, लेकिन उसके मनकों की संख्या में करीब करीब समानता होती है। जैसे विभिन्न धर्मों में 27, 54, 108 मनके वाली माला का विधान है। उस माला के साथ मन सहज ही अपने इष्ट आराध्य में केंद्रित हो जाता है। जानकारों के अनुसार इस माला के उपयोग का विज्ञान है। श्रद्धा, भक्ति और समर्पण की प्रतीक माला के 108 मनके अपने में गूढ़ अर्थ संजोए हैं। खगोल विद्या के अनुसार एक वर्ष में 27 नक्षत्र होते हैं। प्रत्येक नक्षत्र के चार चरण हैं, इस प्रकार 108 चरण हुए। यह संख्या शुभ मानी जाती है, क्योंकि इससे तन मन और अंतर्जगत का परिष्कार होता है। जैन मत में भी 108 मनकों की माला को इसलिए पवित्र मानते हैं कि इससे मन, वचन और कर्म से जो हिंसा आदि पापों का निराकरण होता है।
जप माला में 108 मनके यूं ही नहीं होते, ये है रहस्य

जप मुद्रा हाथ
बौद्ध मत में भी यह संख्या शुभ मानी गई है। बुद्ध के जन्म के समय 108 ज्योतिषियों के उपस्थित रहने की बात कही जाती है। बौद्ध धर्म में आस्था रखने वाले देश जापान में श्राद्ध के अवसर पर 108 दीपक जलाने की प्रथा है। योग शास्त्रों के अनुसार शरीर में 108 तरह की विशिष्ट ग्रथियां होती हैं, उनका परिष्कार हो सके तो अध्यात्म पथ पर आसानी से बढ़ा जा सकता है। कहते हैं कि माला के 108 मनकों का उन ग्रंथियों से गहरा संबंध होता है।


नीचे तस्बीह है जिसके हर मनके पर अल्लाह या मुहम्मद का नाम अंकित है अल्लाह के ९९ नाम हैं इस्लाम में पर है वह एक ही ,एक  ओंकार 

Muslim Bookmark - Allah & Muhammad Engraved Islamic Prayer Rosary Beads