शनिवार, 26 अप्रैल 2014



(१)रिसर्चर्स ने पता लगाया है जो लोग टहल कदमी करतें रहतें हैं ,


सैर को निकलते हैं उनमें अपेक्षाकृत सृजनात्मकता ज्यादा पाई जाती है 

बरक्स उनके जो कुर्सी से ही ज्यादा वक्त चिपके रहते हैं। इस नतीजे पर 

पर्याप्त परीक्षणों के बाद ही शोध कर्मी पहुंचे हैं। परीक्षणों में टहलकदमी 

करने वालों की प्रतिक्रिया ज्यादा रचनात्मक ज्यादा सृजनशील देखी  गई।

(२) गठिया की उग्रता को कम करने में चैरीज़ की बड़ी कामयाब भूमिका 

रहती है।गाउट आर्थ्राइटिस के मरीज़ों को चैरीज़ का खूब सेवन करते रहना 



(३)Drinking more coffee may cut the risk of diabetes

Increasing the amount of coffee you drink can reduce the risk of developing type two diabetes, study concludes

A coffee cup: Coffee consumption has been linked to lower risk of diabetes
Coffee consumption has been linked to lower risk of diabetes Photo: Alamy

Drinking more than three cups of a coffee a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by a third, a study has suggested, with those who drink more over time also cutting their chances of the disease.
It was found that people who increased their coffee consumption by an average of one a half cups a day in one four year period were 11 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Where as those who reduced their consumption by at least one cup per day increased their risk by 17 per cent.
The study conducted by a team at Harvard School of Public Health also found people who drank three or more cups of coffee a day and did not change their drinking habits had a 37 per cent lower risk of diabetes than those who always drank less than one cup per day.
The research published in Diabetologia found no link between tea drinking and type 2 diabetes.

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