(१) बादाम में मौज़ूद रहता फॉस्फोरस खनिज जो हमारी अस्थियों और
मुक्तावली (दंतावली )को पुष्ट करता है।
(२) दीर्घावधि अंतरिक्ष में समय बिताने वाले अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों का दिल माइक्रोग्रेविटी (कमतर गुरुत्व )के असर से ज्यादा गोलीय (स्फेरिकल )आकार लेने लगता है। इससे दिल की सेहत असरग्रस्त हो सकती है।
(३) पद्मासन की मुद्रा में बैठकर टी वी देखने से जोड़ और
स्नायु अस्थिबंध(लिगमेंट )लचीले बने रहते हैं। ठवन भी सुधरता है
पोश्चर में भी सुधार दर्ज़ होता है।

Teenagers with stronger muscles have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes later in life .Exercise that supports early muscular strength acquisition should complement weight -loss interventions among children in order to reduce risk of diseases ,the researchers mentioned .
(5)It’s a fat chance
I read with delight a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggesting that the intake of saturated fat has nothing to do with the development of heart disease. I am sure that as this article makes a storm in the local press, my friends who have breakfast with me - particularly my foodie friends who have large servings of butter, and fatty meat, while I eat an egg; fruit and thin melba toast - will be delighted as well.
I have felt and stated in my previous columns that dietary cholesterol has little to do with blood cholesterol. In fact the Tecumseh study demonstrated that blood fats of volunteers had nothing to do with the fat they ate the previous day. If this were true, then the pucca vegetarian should have little or no blood cholesterol since their diet is devoid of animal fat. The bad cholesterol - the low density lipoprotein (LDL) - is produced in the liver, which is why vegetarians have high cholesterol levels. Putting this into perspective medical studies do show a linear link between LDL cholesterol reduction and reduction of the risk and events from heart disease.
In a recent editorial in a prestigious medical journal, research suggests that the assumption of dietary saturated fat and heart disease was based on data from six countries alone. Sixteen other countries that failed to prove this hypothesis were excluded. The journal also states that the consumption of omega 6 polyunsaturated fat increases the risk of heart disease as does eating refined carbohydrates.
Much of the research is based on the Sydney Diet heart study which studied 458 men aged between 30 and 39 years, who recently had heart problems. The study showed that increasing polyunsaturated fats, in particular, the omega and linoleic acid, was associated with an increase in heart disease to death from heart disease by almost 30 per cent.
Arecent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine was an evaluation of 72 studies, with more than 6,00,000 patients. It conclusively showed that there was no link between consumption of saturated fats and heart disease.
The long chain omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats could not be linked to heart disease and taking omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats as supplement had no effect on reducing heart disease. There was, however, an association between trans fats and heart disease. Trans fats are formed when oil is solidified by a process called hydrogenation. Saturated fats came from butter, cheese and beef; unsaturated fats from vegetable or fish sources. Trans fats are mainly from margarine, fried food, biscuits, potato chips, cakes and pies.
The results of this study should actually not be surprising. Indians had a low risk of heart disease when they used ghee and coconut oil, both saturated fats. The epidemic of heart disease was when these were replaced by safflower, sunflower and sesame oil all polyunsaturated. In Israel, where the polyunsaturated fat consumption was twice the western world, the incidence of heart disease was high. In Japan, the incidence of heart disease has dropped with the increase in consumption of animal fat since the end of the Second World War.
This is not always a cause and effect relationship. Other factors may also be responsible. Naturally it is important for the patient to maintain low levels of LDL, the bad cholesterol. There are two types LDL cholesterol the large buoyant type A, which is less dangerous and the type B which is small and dense and much more dangerous.
The best advice for patients to lower their LDL and increase their HDL is to follow a Mediterranean diet with olive oil, poultry and fish. And so, when my friends at breakfast ask me why I will still stick to moderation, I will say, "Medical research sways like a pendulum until another study replaces that."

(१) बादाम में मौज़ूद रहता फॉस्फोरस खनिज जो हमारी अस्थियों और
मुक्तावली (दंतावली )को पुष्ट करता है।
(२) दीर्घावधि अंतरिक्ष में समय बिताने वाले अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों का दिल माइक्रोग्रेविटी (कमतर गुरुत्व )के असर से ज्यादा गोलीय (स्फेरिकल )आकार लेने लगता है। इससे दिल की सेहत असरग्रस्त हो सकती है।
(३) पद्मासन की मुद्रा में बैठकर टी वी देखने से जोड़ और
स्नायु अस्थिबंध(लिगमेंट )लचीले बने रहते हैं। ठवन भी सुधरता है
पोश्चर में भी सुधार दर्ज़ होता है।
Teenagers with stronger muscles have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes later in life .Exercise that supports early muscular strength acquisition should complement weight -loss interventions among children in order to reduce risk of diseases ,the researchers mentioned .
(5)It’s a fat chance
I read with delight a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggesting that the intake of saturated fat has nothing to do with the development of heart disease. I am sure that as this article makes a storm in the local press, my friends who have breakfast with me - particularly my foodie friends who have large servings of butter, and fatty meat, while I eat an egg; fruit and thin melba toast - will be delighted as well.
I have felt and stated in my previous columns that dietary cholesterol has little to do with blood cholesterol. In fact the Tecumseh study demonstrated that blood fats of volunteers had nothing to do with the fat they ate the previous day. If this were true, then the pucca vegetarian should have little or no blood cholesterol since their diet is devoid of animal fat. The bad cholesterol - the low density lipoprotein (LDL) - is produced in the liver, which is why vegetarians have high cholesterol levels. Putting this into perspective medical studies do show a linear link between LDL cholesterol reduction and reduction of the risk and events from heart disease.
In a recent editorial in a prestigious medical journal, research suggests that the assumption of dietary saturated fat and heart disease was based on data from six countries alone. Sixteen other countries that failed to prove this hypothesis were excluded. The journal also states that the consumption of omega 6 polyunsaturated fat increases the risk of heart disease as does eating refined carbohydrates.
Much of the research is based on the Sydney Diet heart study which studied 458 men aged between 30 and 39 years, who recently had heart problems. The study showed that increasing polyunsaturated fats, in particular, the omega and linoleic acid, was associated with an increase in heart disease to death from heart disease by almost 30 per cent.
Arecent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine was an evaluation of 72 studies, with more than 6,00,000 patients. It conclusively showed that there was no link between consumption of saturated fats and heart disease.
The long chain omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats could not be linked to heart disease and taking omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats as supplement had no effect on reducing heart disease. There was, however, an association between trans fats and heart disease. Trans fats are formed when oil is solidified by a process called hydrogenation. Saturated fats came from butter, cheese and beef; unsaturated fats from vegetable or fish sources. Trans fats are mainly from margarine, fried food, biscuits, potato chips, cakes and pies.
The results of this study should actually not be surprising. Indians had a low risk of heart disease when they used ghee and coconut oil, both saturated fats. The epidemic of heart disease was when these were replaced by safflower, sunflower and sesame oil all polyunsaturated. In Israel, where the polyunsaturated fat consumption was twice the western world, the incidence of heart disease was high. In Japan, the incidence of heart disease has dropped with the increase in consumption of animal fat since the end of the Second World War.
This is not always a cause and effect relationship. Other factors may also be responsible. Naturally it is important for the patient to maintain low levels of LDL, the bad cholesterol. There are two types LDL cholesterol the large buoyant type A, which is less dangerous and the type B which is small and dense and much more dangerous.
The best advice for patients to lower their LDL and increase their HDL is to follow a Mediterranean diet with olive oil, poultry and fish. And so, when my friends at breakfast ask me why I will still stick to moderation, I will say, "Medical research sways like a pendulum until another study replaces that."