गुरुवार, 31 जुलाई 2014

नटवर सिंह की किताब पे एक द्रुत प्रतिक्रिया :वागीश मेहता

  • sonia-gandhi-and-natwar-singh

द्रुत प्रतिक्रिया :गुडगाँव से डॉ वागीश मेहता 

पूर्व मंत्री और कांग्रेसी कुंवर नटवर सिंह ने जो पुस्तक लिखी है उसमें बहुत सारे राज होंगें। पर एक राज जो व्यक्त हुआ है वह यह है कि श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी का प्रधानमंत्री न बनने का कारण किसी प्रकार की त्याग भावना से नहीं जुड़ा था। 

खोले गए राज की सच्चाई तो यह है कि उनके पुत्र राहुल गांधी ने यह आशंका व्यक्त की थी कि  जैसे प्रधानमन्त्री पद पर रहते हुए उनकी दादी श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी और उनके पिता श्री राजीव गांधी की हत्या  कर दी गई थी वैसे ही कहीं सोनिया गांधी की भी हत्या  न हो जाए। वो अपनी माँ को नहीं खोना चाहते थे। यह उनके मन की एक भयावह कल्पना भी हो सकती है पर कुंवर नटवर सिंह का यह कथन विश्वसनीय है कि अपने बेटे की बात से प्रभावित होकर श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी ने अपने स्थान पर सरदार मनमोहन सिंह को आगे कर दिया। बात भी ठीक है। इसमें ये आशंका इसलिए भी होती है कि बहुत पहले जब बांग्ला देश के बनने से पहले पाकिस्तान से भारत का युद्ध चल रहा था तो अखबारों में कुछ ऐसी खबरें छपी थीं कि श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी उस समय राजीव गांधी को इसलिए बचाकर इटली ले जाना चाहती थीं कि इंडियन एअर फ़ोर्स का पायलट होने के नाते कहीं उन्हें जंग में हिस्सा न लेना पड़े। अब यह तो जांच का विषय हो सकता है पर अखबार में छप जाने के बाद  बात कहीं से कहीं पहुँच ही जाती है। 

इस बार भी उन्होंने ने सोचा हो कि प्रधानमंत्री पद के पीछे ज़िंदगी को क्यों झंझट  में डाला जाए।और फिर पुत्र का इसरार भी था सो वो पीछे हट गईं। 

इसे कांग्रेसी चाटुकाारों ने श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी का महान त्याग कहकर उन्हें त्याग मूर्ती के रूप में प्रसारित कर दिया। अब श्री नटवर सिंह के खुलासे के बाद वह कह रहीं हैं कि मैं भी किताब लिखूंगी तब सच्चाई सामने आएगी। बहरहाल जिसने भी उन्हें किताब लिखने की सलाह दी है वे उनके हितैषी नहीं हो सकते। पहली बात  तो ये कि दुनिया सब जानती है दूसरी बात  ये कि मनीष तिवारी और मणिशंकर एैयर जैसे अंग्रेज़ी  साहब सामने आ भी जाएं तो भी उधार की भाषा में  अहसास और ज़ज़्बात कहाँ से आएंगे। और यदि उनके लेखन के बाद और जानकारों ने अपने पिटारे खोल दिये तो क्या होगा। 

सौ बातों की बात तो यह है कि झूठ की कालिख पे सफेद पर्दा डाल देने से वह सच नहीं हो जाता। 

बाकी ये भी है कि वे जो कुछ भी लिखेंगी वह प्रतिक्रिया कहलाएगी और प्रतिक्रिया तो बुद्धि से लिखी जाती है एहसास और ज़ज़्बात से नहीं। हमें तो श्रीमती गांधी से सहानुभूति है बाकी वो जाने और उनके सलाहकार।   

6 things that Natwar Singh has 'revealed' about SoniaGandhi

Natwar Singh the man that stood beside the UPA government through thick and thin, has now come out with perhaps a shocking critique of the Gandhi family. Singh’s autobiography One Life is Not Enough (published by Rupa) reportedly reveals a lot of information about the President of the Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi. His comments in an interview with senior journalist Karan Thapar about his soon to be released book has started a war of words between Natwar Singh and Sonia Gandhi. Gandhi has jumped to her defence saying that “I will write my own book, and then everyone with know the truth.” Why is it that the Congress leader is so upset with Singh's book? Here are six things that Natwar Singh reportedly reveals in his upcoming autobiography:

1) Sonia Gandhi: Fall of the Congress Party
According to reports, Singh in his five-page epilogue, criticises Sonia Gandhi for reducing Congress, one of the “greatest political parties” of the world into a humiliating hindquarters of just 44 members in the Lok Sabha.
2) Sonia Gandhi: “authoritarian” and “capricious” to “Machiavellian” and “secretive”
Natwar Singh describes the growth of Sonia Gandhi in an entire chapter where he describes her transformation from being a nervous and shy woman to becoming authoritarian in her leadership and extremely secretive in her approach. Commenting on her current role in politics, he even goes on to say that “her public image is not flattering”
3) 10 Janpath- Sonia Gandhi's residence, the real seat of power:
Extending the metaphor of Sonia Gandhi as a ruler in power, he claimed that her residence “10 Janpath” was the real seat of power and the centre from where she controlled the political actions of the UPA government.“Sonia very discreetly monitored the functioning of the most important ministries in the government, displaying a Machiavellian side to her character”
4) Secret access to confidential information:
Natwar Singh believes that there was perhaps a “mole” who existed in the Ministry of External affairs who gave Sonia false and confidential information. He traces this statement back to an incident in February 2005, when he accompanied Afghan President Hamid Karzai to Janpath. He got into a verbal argument with Sonia as she falsely accused him for getting involved in defence deals and had passed on files on some defence deals to Pranab Mukherjee, the defence minister at that point.
5) General Elections 2004: The truth behind turning down the post of Prime Minister
Singh says that “it was not her inner soul” but Rahul Gandhi who asked her to turn down the post of Prime Minister in the general elections of 2004. Rahul feared that his mother's fate would end up like that of his father and grandmother. “Rahul said he was prepared to take any possible step… Rahul is a strong-willed person; this was no ordinary threat,” Natwar writes. 
6) PV Narasimha Rao: The second choice
Natwar claims that it was then Vice President Shankar Dayal Sharma who was the first choice as Prime Minister in 1991, however due to his poor health, he declined the offer. Thus, Sonia chose PV Narasimha Rao. 
Natwar Singh served as the foreign minister in 2004-2005 but had to resign from the United Progressive Alliance (UPA)-I Government in 2005 in the wake of the Iraqi food-for-oil scam. His autobiography called One Life is Not Enough: An Autobiography is slated to be released soon.

नटवर सिंह की किताब पे एक द्रुत प्रतिक्रिया :वागीश मेहता 

बुधवार, 23 जुलाई 2014

कांग्रेस महागर्त में ( (दूसरी किश्त )

Manish Tewari, I&B Minister, claims the flawed report into the 2G scam did serious damage to India's economy

कांग्रेस महागर्त में (दूसरी किश्त )

पिछली किश्त में हमने खंदक में गिरी कांग्रेस के बारे में कुछ तथ्यगत सूचनाएं दी थीं। कांग्रेस के इस गर्त पतन के लिए स्वयं कांग्रेस का अहंकार उत्तरदाई है। पर कांग्रेस ने इससे कोई सबक नहीं लिया। अब भी वह ओछी राजनीति से बाज नहीं आ रही। अहंकार इतना कि 'घी खाया मेरे बाप ने ,सूँघो मेरा हाथ ',बार -बार १२५ साल पुरानी कांग्रेस की दुहाई दी जाती है। अपनी स्थापना १८८५ से लेकर १९३० तक कांग्रेस ने अंग्रेज़ों की खुशामद के अलावा कुछ नहीं किया। बेहतर हो कि वे अपने इतिहास की बार -बार दुहाई न दें। 

कोई क्रम तो ऐसा निर्धारित नहीं था पर पिछले लेख में हमने एक चतुर्वेदी नाम के कांग्रेसी नेता की बात कही थी। सीधे सीधे इन्हें नामित करना अच्छा तो नहीं है पर तथ्यगत सूचनाओं के साथ कुछ कहना भी गलत नहीं है। यूं तो कांग्रेसी अहंकार के कई नमूने और कई मीनारें हैं। न चाहते हुए भी इस बार एक ऐसे नमूने का ज़िक्र करना पड़  रहा है जो स्वयं को मीनार समझता है। देश का दुर्भाग्य और कांग्रेस की परिपाटी यह है कि जो विरोधियों को जितनी गाली और अपशब्द दे सकता है वह कांग्रेस में उतना ही मान पाता  है। 

स्वयं को अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में दक्ष मानने वाले अहंकार की इस कांग्रेसी मीनार का नाम है :मनीष तिवारी 

पहले इन्हें कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता का पद सौंपा गया। इन्होनें बढ़चढ़ के बातें करनी शुरू  कीं। जनरल वी. के.सिंह बनाम सरकार के मामले में इन्होने भारतीय शौर्य के प्रतीक जनरल वी. के. सिंह पर जो टिपण्णी की वह कांग्रेसी अहंकार और अभद्रता की पराकाष्ठा थी। 

एक पत्रकार ने मनीष तिवारी से पूछा कि जनरल वी.के.सिंह के मामले में आपका क्या कहना है ,तो उसका उत्तर था -"कि वो सरकारी कर्मचारी ",ये बात उन्होंने मंत्री रहते कही। भारतीय सेना अध्यक्ष पद को सुशोभित करने वाले और शानदार सैनिक जीवन को चरितार्थ करने वाले भारतीय सेना की शौर्य गाथा के प्रतीक जनरल वी.के. सिंह के बारे में कही गई इस अभद्र टिप्पणी को लगता है बाद में प्रसारित करने से रोक दिया गया। पर एक बार तो वह कांग्रेसी अहंकार को अभिव्यक्त कर ही चुके थे। कोई और देश होता तो ऐसे मंत्री को क़ानून के हवाले कर दिया जाता पर ये कांग्रेस थी जिसने इस मामले को रफा दफा होने  दिया। हो सकता है कि रिकार्ड को भी नष्ट कर दिया गया हो। पर वर्तमान भारत सरकार को इस और ध्यान देना चाहिए। वह व्यक्ति का अपमान नहीं था सम्पूर्ण भारतीय शौर्य परम्परा का अपमान  था। 

वह तो जनरल वी. के.सिंह की उदारता थी कि उन्होंने इसको तूल नहीं दिया पर न्याय की मांग तो यह है कि इस मामले को गंभीरता से लिया जाए और अहंकार की मीनार पर बैठे उस आदमी को जमीन पर लाया जाए। 

General Singh retired in 2012 after a row with the government over his age [AP]

रविवार, 20 जुलाई 2014

सोनिया कांग्रेस महागर्त में

Indian Parliament Winter Session : News Photo

सोनिया कांग्रेस महागर्त में 

भारत की कांग्रेस पार्टी (अब सोनिया कांग्रेस )महागर्त में गिर गई है। ऐसा नहीं है कि गैरों ने इस पार्टी को गर्त में धकेल दिया है बल्कि अपने ही आदमियों ने कुछ ऐसे हालात बना दिए कि श्रीमती सोनिया कांग्रेस को ऐसे गड्ढे गिरना पड़ा जहां से निकलने का कोई मौक़ा नहीं है। 

श्रीमती सोनिया अपनी कांग्रेस को नेहरू -गांधी की कांग्रेस कहकर लोगों के मन में कुछ सहानुभूति उपजाना चाहती हैं पर ये इतिहास किसी से छिपा नहीं है कि जिस कांग्रेस की वह वारिस हैं वह नेहरू -इंदिरा की कांग्रेस है। इसमें गांधीजी कहाँ से आ गये.

महात्मा गांधी के वारिस तो बिना किसी राजनीतिक महत्वकांक्षा  के जी रहे हैं। सोनिया स्वयं को भी सोनिया गांधी कहकर गांधी परम्परा के भ्रम को बनाए रखना चाहती हैं। पर जिस कांग्रेस की वह अध्यक्षा हैं वह सही अर्थों में नेहरू से शुरू होकर सोनिया पर आकर लटक गई है। यह अच्छा है की लटके होने की अपेक्षा जमीन की किसी नीची तह में रहकर ही आराम कर लिया जाए। शायद यही समझकर लोगों ने श्रीमती सोनिया कांग्रेस के लिए यह अवसर उपलब्ध कराया है। लोगों पर दोष देने की अपेक्षा हमारा मकसद उन खनिकों को सामने लाना है जिन्होनें सोनिया कांग्रेस के लिए ये कब्र खोदी है। 

यूं तो अपने कर्मों की वजह से बहुत सारे उल्लेखनीय हैं पर उन सबका ज़िक्र करने की बजाय एक- एक की गुणगाथा को अलग से सुना और समझा जाए तो अच्छा होगा। 

इनमें से एक धोतीबाज  हैं जो स्वयं को वैदक पंडित समझते हैं इसलिए पंचवेदी जैसा शब्द अपने नाम के पीछे इस्तेमाल करते हैं। ये तो उनकी विनम्रता है कि वह स्वयं को चतुर्वेदी कहते हैं। 

लोकसभा , चुनाव -२०१४  से पहले एक बार एक पत्रकार ने उन महाशय से पूछा कि स्वामी रामदेव के बारे में आपका क्या विचार है। तो वह अपनी धोती  फटकारते हुए  अपने अहंकार में बोले कि कौन रामदेव। ऐसे ही आदमियों ने लोगों के मन में सोनिया कांग्रेस के प्रति वितृष्णा भर दी। भले ही हाथ में सचमुच की कुदाली लेकर क़ब्र न खोदी जाए पर सोनिया कांग्रेस के ऐसे ही नेताओं ने कांग्रेस के लिए गड्ढा खोदने का काम किया है। ऐसे एक नहीं अनेक हैं। अब बाकियों की गुणगाथा आगे क्रम से आप सुनेंगे। 

Satyavrat Chaturvedi In Cong Media Panel

[ Updated 04 Dec 2010, 22:42:10 ]
Satyavrat Chaturvedi In Cong Media Panel

(ज़ारी )

गुरुवार, 17 जुलाई 2014

BRICS Summit 2014: Top 5 things that Indian PM Narendra Modi said in his first multilateral meet!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended his first multi-lateral meet in the form of sixth BRICS Summit held in Brazil. Narendra Modi in his two-day meet, met the International leaders President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of China Xi Jinping and President of South Africa Jacob Zuma. World leaders who met at the BRICS Summit were seen lavishly heaping praise on Indian Prime Minister’s persona. The highlight of the sixth BRICS Summit was the formation of the new BRICS Developmental Bank; the headquarters of the same will be stationed in China, while India will be its first President. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi impressed his counterparts with his flair and oratory skills. We bring to you a recap of few important issues that were addressed by Narendra Modi at BRICS Summit 2014, held in Brazil.

BRICS Summit 2014: 

Top 5 things that Indian

 PM Narendra Modi 

said in his first multilateral meet!

1. On newly set-up BRICS Developmental Bank

Calling it a noteworthy step, Narendra Modi said, “A flexible international trading system is very important for the economic growth, economically. Many MoUs have already been signed amid BRICS countries that’ll enable efficient trade activities and promote intra- BRICS development.”

2. On his government policies
Narendra Modi while commenting on the present political scenario globally said, “The priority for my government will to invest drastically in healthcare and afforadable households, infrastructure, education and cleaner energy.” Modi also stressed on the sustainable use of energy resources.

3. On the current political scenario
The current situation in political arena is grim around the world. While Brazil faced financial crisis, Iraq faced the ISIS crisis and now the Israel-Palestine affair has got the economy in haywire. Narendra Modi said, “The political arguments have risen considerably in the last few months. If the monetary benefits are tightened in few countries, the BRICS countries will do well.”

4. On stronger relations and even more engagement
In order to establish stronger and deeper relations with the BRICS countries PM Narendra Modi stressed on more intra-trade among the BRICS alliance. Modi said, “We (BRICS) should not only limit out intra-trade activities nationally, but see to it that the engagement between states, cities and local bodies is increased.”

5. On Russia’s support
“Ask any child in India; who is India’s best friend? Every child will reply Russia,” said Narendra Modi after leasing a new life in the Indo-Russian relationships. Modi said, “Friendship with Russia is a time-tested friendship. I look forward to work with Putin to further strengthen our ties in every sector, be it defence, technology or trade and investment.”


India Rules BRICs as Modi Scores Big in Investor Poll

India Rules BRICs 

as Modi Scores Big

 in Investor Poll

Narendra Modi
A woman walks past a large screen showing television coverage of India's prime minister Narendra Modi, during the Indian general election, in the lobby of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in Mumbai, on Friday, May 16, 2014. India’s S&P BSE Sensex index has surged 21 percent this year on optimism Modi’s pledges to cut red tape and attract investment will boost Asia’s third-largest economy after growth slowed to near a decade low. Photographer: Vivek Prakash/Bloomberg

Modi mania is taking hold across global markets.

Financial professionals are now more bullish on India relative to the largest emerging markets than at any point in the past five years after Narendra Modi scored the biggest election victory in three decades, giving him a mandate to revive economic growth as prime minister.

Twenty-three percent of respondents in the Bloomberg Global Poll said India offers one of the best investment opportunities among eight of the biggest markets worldwide, versus the 12 percent average for the other so-called BRIC nations, or Brazil, Russia and China. (SHCOMP) That gap is the widest since the survey began in 2009. Fifty-one percent are optimistic on Modi’s policies while those in favor of Brazil President Dilma Rousseff’s sank to a record 11 percent.
“The mandate that Modi has really gives you optimism that India will finally make their political process more efficient and be able to tackle their infrastructure issues to unlock the country’s potential,” said Andrew Douglas, who oversees about $2 billion as the chief investment officer of the wealth management group at Dubuque, Iowa-based Heartland Financial USA Inc. and participated in the poll. “Brazil seems to be doing everything wrong.”

Red Tape

India’s S&P BSE Sensex (SENSEX) index has surged 21 percent this year on optimism Modi’s pledges to cut red tape and attract investment will boost Asia’s third-largest economy after growth slowed to near a decade low. Exchange-traded funds that invest in the country lured more inflows than any other emerging market this year, while investors pulled money from Brazil as the economy sunk into stagflation under Rousseff’s watch.
The MSCI Emerging Markets Index has gained 6 percent this year, fueled by signs of a recovery in the Chinese economy and as concern eased that rising borrowing costs in the U.S. will spur capital outflows. Forty-eight percent of respondents in the Bloomberg poll said the developing-nation stock index will climb in the next six months, versus 27 percent who said it will fall. The poll of 562 Bloomberg users was conducted July 15 and 16 by Selzer & Co., a Des Moines, Iowa-based firm, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

India To Head BRICS' $100 Billion New Development Bank

Leaders of the BRICS nations, 

from left, Russia's President 

Vladimir Putin, India's PM 

Narendra Modi, Brazil's 


Dilma Rousseff, China's 

President Xi Jinping and South 

Africa's President Jacob Zuma, 

pose for a group photo during 

the BRICS Summit.

India To Head BRICS'

 $100 Billion New 

Development Bank

Fortaleza, Brazil::  Leaders of the BRICS emerging market 

nations launched a $100 billion development bank and a currency 

reserve pool on Tuesday in their first concrete step toward 

reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system.

The bank, aimed at funding infrastructure projects in developing 

nations, will be based in Shanghai, China, and India will preside 

over its operations for the first six years, followed by five-year 

terms for Brazil and then Russia, leaders of the five-country group 

announced at the 6th BRICS -  Brazil, Russia, India, China and 

The member countries will also set up a $100 billion currency 

reserves pool to help countries forestall short-term liquidity 


For India, it was a moment of success after hard bargaining to 


where the bank would be located and the share-holding in it. The 

bank will be called the New Development Bank, a name suggested 

by Prime Minster Narendra Modi.  (The Biggest Challenge for 

BRICS Success? Big Brother China)

Also, the bank will begin with a subscribed capital of $50 billion 

divided equally between its five founders; China, the world's 

number 2 economy, had argued that the economic strength of a 

member nation should be the criteria for contribution to the bank - 

a higher contribution would automatically mean greater control. 


in intense negotiations that delayed the bank for two years, India 

and Brazil fought China's attempts to get a bigger share in the 

lender than the others. (Read: Foreign Media on BRICS New 

Development Bank)

"The agreement towards setting up the BRICS New Development 

Bank is a significant step. I am happy the initiative announced in 

2012 in Delhi has become a reality," PM Modi said. The summit is 

Mr Modi's first multilateral engagement since he took over as 


Minister in May this year.  (BRICS: PM Pitches for 'Zero 

Tolerance' Towards Terror)

The long-awaited bank is the first major achievement of the BRICS 

countries since they got together in 2009 to press for a bigger say 


the global financial order created by Western powers after World 

War Two and centered on the International Monetary Fund and 


World Bank.

The BRICS were prompted to seek coordinated action following an 

exodus of capital from emerging markets last year, triggered by the 

scaling back of US monetary stimulus. The new bank reflects the 

growing influence of the BRICS, which account for almost half the 

world's population and about one-fifth of global economic output. 

What the Indian army needs to learn from Modi?

what the indian army needs to learn from Modi

What the Indian army needs to learn from Modi?

By Aditi Kumaria Hingu

Now that the euphoria over Narendra Modi's win has subsided, it is time to explore the feasibility of discovering a replicable model of his campaign that can be applied to the Indian Army.

To most, it will appear to be a preposterous proposition - even a superficial glance shows that Modi and the army are at diametrically opposite ends of the spectrum.

Modi is an individual who is proud of his nationalist roots. He is a technology embracing politician with focus on all-inclusive development of the country. He dreams of a modern, futuristic, technology-savvy and strong India. Undoubtedly, it is a colossal challenge. To succeed, he needs active support of all segments of the society.

On the other hand, the Indian Army is a highly disciplined and cohesive organization. Although it is hierarchical in structure, it does not derive its sustenance from a single personality. Well-evolved traditions and conventions make it fiercely conscious of its responsibility of ensuring national security. They seek no quid pro quo dispensations. For soldiers', it is a matter of honour.   

However, a closer look reveals that the army and Modi have numerous similarities as well.

However, a closer look reveals that the army and Modi have numerous similarities as well.

To start with, both are resolute in their devotion to the nation. Whereas the army is considered the last bastion of honesty and integrity in the country, even the harshest critics of Modi cannot accuse him of corruption and misappropriation of governmental resources. Both the army and Modi never shirk responsibility and accountability. They lead from front and are always ready to face flak for mistakes.

If Modi creates a buzz by working for 18 hours a day, the soldiers endure far longer periods of operational hardship, both physical and mental. Sacrifice of familial ties and bonds is another common trait. If Modi has chosen to sacrifice his family life to dedicate himself to the service of his motherland, prolonged tenures at the borders make soldiers spend a major part of their lives away from their families.

Finally, both are victims of vicious pejorative campaigns by inimical elements.

The diagram below is a simplistic rendition of the above similarities.

Modi's Campaign

For better understanding, a closer look at Modi's prime ministerial campaign will be helpful at this stage. What did brand Modi do to endear itself to the countrymen? Essential elements were as follows:-  

Need for Substance: At the heart of any successful strategy is a brand that has substance. The best of strategies would fail if the brand did not have the ability to deliver on what it is promising.  Modi's consecutive three terms as Gujarat CM and the strides made by the state was a testimony to his governance abilities. 

Understanding the Market: Would 'Ab ki baar, BJP sarkar' have had the same traction as 'Ab ki baar, Modi sarkar'? Most probably, no. Grassroot responses indicated that Modi had higher recall value than BJP. Therefore, Modi was made the prime ministerial candidate and the campaign became Modi centric. 

Deciding the Target Audience: Modi tapped into the wide disillusionment prevailing in the country and decided to focus on 'change seekers'. An analysis of his speeches indicates that the broad message across his campaign was that he would bring in change. The 'change' was articulated in different ways for different sections of the society. Appealing to first time voters (100 million) was part of this strategy. 

Sharp Positioning:
 A successful brand needs to own mind-space in the audience's mind. If a brand does not stand for anything, it can be replaced by another brand. There is no loyalty as opinions are fickle. Modi was positioned as 'the catalyst for progress.' His nation-wide campaign asking people to vote for him (as against voting for BJP/alliance partners/local candidates) was a step in this direction. People voted for Modi because he was seen as the only one who could usher in progress. 

Compelling Message for Communication: To communicate effectively with its audience, a brand has to convert its message into pithy, brief and easy to comprehend sound-bites that resonate with the audience. Couplets like 'Bahut ho gayi mehangai ki maar, abki baar Modi sarkar' and, 'bahut ho gaya auraton par vaar, abki baar Modi sarkar' reminded voters of the different malaises afflicting the country. Modi was projected as the sole messiah.

Intelligent Use of Media: Modi understood and harnessed the power of all facets of media intelligently. It was a holistic campaign. With over 4.5 million followers on twitter, he became accessible to more than 10 million people through multiple re-tweets. Radio was used to popularize 'Ab ki baar, Modi sarkar' message. TV highlighted national issues. Local print media emphasized local issues. Rallies and 3-D projections helped establish direct contact with the voters.

Incorporation of Experts: Appreciating the need to impart professionalism to his campaign, Modi reinforced his core team with experts like Piyush Pandey, Prasoon Joshi and Sam Balsara. Resultantly, media management was handled in a highly skilled manner to ensure that Modi's message was delivered in a relevant, compelling, effective, efficient and engaging manner to the right audience. 

Lessons for the Army

To Indian soldiers, a grateful nation's recognition of their contribution to national security acts as the strongest motivator. Their dedication to duty, loyalty to the nation and willingness for the supreme sacrifice are driven less by material considerations and more by an overwhelming urge to earn love and respect of their countrymen.

Every survey carried out by different agencies shows the military at the top and other bureaucratic institutions at the bottom of peoples' choice for probity, loyalty and selflessness.

Unfortunately, a premeditated media campaign is being orchestrated to damage the standing of the army. Instead of lauding the fact that in a 1.3 million strong force there have been miniscule aberrations of indiscipline and indiscretion, the media paints a negative picture by repeatedly referring to 'Ketchup Colonel,' 'Booze Brigadier' and 'Frisky General'.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to project the correct picture of the army to the public. For that, the Army has to realize that like battling external enemies, it has to fight and win the battle of perception within the country.

Therefore, the army needs to embark on an outreach programme to address some of the misconceptions in the minds of the countrymen. Here are the lessons that they can draw from Modi's campaign:- 

Need for Substance: The army is already is doing a phenomenal job of keeping India secure and safe. All it needs to do is to make the challenges faced by it known to the country. 

Understanding the Market: The army needs a tangible and recognisable anchor around which its outreach programmes should be structured. It could be a soldier for whom defence of the country is a matter of honour. In addition, there is a need to correct misleading impressions created by ludicrous Indian movies.  

Deciding the Target Audience: The army must identify the target groups and evolve communication strategy accordingly. One message does not work for all.  Whereas an innovative mass media campaign is required to create a positive image, the strategy has to be entirely different to attract youth.   

Sharp Positioning: The army must strive to occupy favourable mind-space in the target audience. The word army must generate positive vibrations like dedication, bravery and discipline. There should be no unfavorable reverberation.    

Compelling Message for Communication: Although the army is using pithy and effective slogans like 'do you have it in you', there is a need to make them more succinct, engaging and interactive to improve awareness about the army and its ethos. For example, like popular character 'Chhota Bheem', a serial under 'Army for Kids' can prove highly productive.

Intelligent Use of Media: We are living in an information overload era. Only those entities are recalled who stand out of the media clutter. A look at the digital space shows that the army is woefully lacking in this. The army website is archaic, dreary and devoid of any meaningful information.  Efforts must be made to demystify the army by putting maximum information in the public domain.  

Incorporation of Experts: Media campaign requires specialized skills, capabilities and networking. As the service officers are not trained in these functions, it is imperative that help is taken of the professionals. 

Finally, the army must never try to 'manage/manipulate the media'. It pays to be honest and accept blame, where due. 

The army must tell the environment that like normal social organisations, military consists of living human beings with their normal share of failings and idiosyncrasies. An effective self-correcting mechanism is in place to correct aberrations. 

In today's connected world, being insular and divorced from the rest of the country is not an asset. 

Public-relation for an army is an all encompassing reflective paradigm with the aim of building understanding with countrymen and retaining their goodwill. 

Through a well conceived public-relations exercise, misconceptions and prejudices entertained by some segments of the society can also be removed. 

if the Prime Minister of the country needed the help of marketing, media and PR experts to reach where he is, why should the army hesitate in seeking their assistance to reach out to the countrymen?

Image: PM Narendra Modi seen in the cockpit of MiG-29K fighter aircraft onboard the recently dedicated INS Vikramaditya, India's largest warship,  in Goa.

Aditi Kumaria Hingu is a marketing graduate from IIM Calcutta, currently working in an MNC. She comes from an army background